How to Give Your TPT Store an Instant Facelift With Animated Banners

This post is for all my teacher friends who also have a store on TPT.

For the uninitiated, TPT refers to Teachers Pay Teachers, a massive collection of printable and digital resources teachers create and sell for other educators.

You might be like me. I started my store years ago, posted a handful of freebies and a few paid products, and thought of the site as a fun hobby.

Anytime I sold a product (about once a month) I thought, "Hey, that's neat! I'm glad another educator discovered that resource and is using it in their own classroom."

Then I never gave it another thought, until the next sale. Weeks later.

Fast-forward to January 2023. I decided to start taking my store seriously. Like a business. And one of the first things I noticed when I looked at other, more successful stores, was the cool, colorful animated banners many of them had on their storefronts.

I thought: I want one of those!

So, I did a simple TPT search, using the phrase "tpt store banners"

Mind blown! So many amazing choices, both animated and static.

From here, it's an easy process to select your favorite and buy it. Don't forget: a purchase like this can be written off as a business expense!

Now: how to install the amazing TPT store banners you just downloaded?

Oddly, TPT has teacher-authors go to two different places to upload these.

There are three banner types:
  1. The Quote Box banner, which is what you see at the very top of your storefront, right under your store name.
  2. The Leaderboard banner, which shows up right above your group of Featured Items; and
  3. The Side Column banner, which appears at the bottom of the column on the left side, under your list of Custom Categories, Grades, Prices and Resource Types.
The Quote Box banner needs to be uploaded under My Account -> Store Profile -> Edit, and the other two under Manage Your Store -> Dashboard -> Marketing -> Customize. Got that?


Don't worry, let me show you in this video I created to make the process easy:

I hope this post clears up the process of installing TPT store banners for all the Teacher-Authors out there, who like me, want to take their storefront to the next level with stylish, fun banners to let their buyers know they're in the right place!

And if you like the banners I featured in the video, you can find them here: TPT Animated Seller Store Banners - All 3 Sizes: Uptown Class Theme

Have you found a set of banners you especially like? Let me know in the comments!


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